Keep Your Cool

Our very own Max Parker, Vice President of Yard Operations for Zimmerman Marine, is a regular expert contributor to Passagemaker. Here is his take on keeping you cool during the hottest months of the year.

When asked to name a system failure most likely to ruin a cruise, many people will guess engine problems or some other major mechanical issue. But in our experience, the culprits are often more subtle. Right up there with failed heads are problems with the air conditioning. In most climates, air conditioning can make or break a summer cruise.

How Does It Work?

As builders outfit more boats with air conditioning, two questions often come up: What is the difference between home air conditioning units and marine air conditioning units, and why are the marine versions so much more expensive?

Many jokes have been made about the “marine tax,” as it seems that simply adding “marine” to the title of an object doubles the price. Granted, many times there are upgraded metals and corrosion-resistant components and electronics, but the real answer is that the production volume is so much smaller, the design and build costs need to be amortized over fewer units.


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